i följande ordning: • Sökning i internationella vetenskapliga databaser Databaserna Education Source, ERIC, British Education. Index Databas: PsycInfo.


PsycInfo. Referenser till publikationer inom psykologi och angränsande ämnesområden. Även psykiatri, medicin, fysiologi, sociologi, språkvetenskap m.m..

Covers the academic, research and practice literature -- including journal articles, dissertations, book chapters, books, technical reports -- from over 45 countries in more than 30 languages. Se hela listan på kib.ki.se Explore APA PsycInfo ®, the most trusted and comprehensive library of psychological science in the world Scholarly research findings in psychology and related fields across a host of academic disciplines including medicine, business, law, education, biology, sports, and more. PSYCINFO A step-by-step guide This guide will take you through the basics of searching the PsycINFO database and saving the references that you find. The database covers psychology and the psychological aspects of related disciplines such as education, psychiatry, linguistics, sociology, and medicine. It includes links to the PsycINFO is a database of abstracts of literature in the field of psychology. It is produced by the American Psychological Association and distributed on the association's APA PsycNET and through third-party vendors. It is the electronic version of the now-ceased Psychological Abstracts.

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Learn how to find relevant research in the behavioral sciences faster and more effectively. Is Google or Google Scholar your default? Is searching the behavi EBSCO (Interdisciplinary) Atla Religion Database (religion) Business Source Premier (Business) CINAHL Plus (Nursing) Historical Abstracts (History) MLA International Bibliography (Literature) RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Music) view all EBSCO databases Engineering Village (Interdisciplinary) Compendex (Engineering) Geobase (Interdisciplinary) view all Engineering Village databases I databaslistan kan du hitta databaser utifrån ämne eller typ av material. Exempel på databaser är LibSearch, Scopus, Web of Science, DiVA, CINAHL, ERIC . Globala målen.

PsycINFO ScienceDirect and PubMed focus more on the General and Health sciences, but also contain Psychology related research. This quick reference guide will demonstrate how to search PsycINFO on ProQuest's platform in Advanced Search mode. Guide to the Fields in APA Database Records This is a guide to the PsycINFO fields and what they mean and/or what may be included in them.

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SveMed+ Innehåller referenser till artiklar från skandinaviska tidskrifter inom medicin, odontologi, hälso- och sjukvård, arbetsterapi, omvårdnad och sjukgymnastik. Off-site users will need to login to most databases using their UCL username and password.

Psycinfo databas

Omfattande bibliografisk databas inom psykologi och angränsande områden. Mer information om PsycInfo. Tillgänglig inom Örebro universitet eller via 

PsycINFO är en bibliografisk databas som publiceras av American Psychological Associations (APA) och tillhandahåller omfattande indexering och sammanfattningar av den internationella psykologiska litteraturen från 1800-talet till idag.

Hur man söker i APA PsycInfo (eller de andra Ebsco-databaser). Innehåll: Referenser samt tidskriftsartiklar och andra publikationer i fulltext. Science Citation Index Expanded: se Web of Science. ScienceDirect.
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av E Nilsson — systematisk litteraturstudie. Sökningen genomfördes i de vetenskapliga databaserna Cinahl,. PubMed och PsycInfo. Femton vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades 

Referenserna är från 1981 och framåt. Möjlighet finns att avgränsa sökningen till vetenskapligt granskade artiklar (peer reviewed). APA PsycInfo. This database is the world's largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. Produced by the American Psychological Association, it is an indispensable tool for the discovery of global scholarly research. Request pricing Watch video. 2021-03-05 · First you need to use the right database.